Authors who wish to submit their  up to 5 (five) pages extended abstract for the conference should prepare it following the Template and send it to the e-mail addresses: [email protected] 
The materials in Azerbaijani, English, Turkish, and Russian are acceptable.
All accepted materials will be published in the Proceedings of the Conference.
Deadline for the submission of the conference materials is 15 January, 2022.
❖ Materials should be prepared in A4 format (top and bottom areas 2 cm, left and right areas 3 cm), Times New Roman font 12, spacing 1.15, alignment width, 4-5 pages. A resume should not exceed 100-150 words, and keywords should not exceed 5 words.
❖ Images must be clear and of high quality, centred on the text. A line should be left after the figure, then its titles are sequentially numbered in the centre, starting with the word "Image", and a brief description of the figure is given. Each image must be referenced in the text, for example (Figure 1).
❖ Tables should be prepared in Microsoft Word or Excel and placed in the centre of the text. Then, in the centre, the title of the table should be sequentially numbered, starting with the word "Table", and on the next line give a short description. The heading should be placed at the top of the table, after which the line should be omitted. Each table should be referenced in the text, for example (Table 1).
❖ Formulas should be written in a standard editor Word Equation, the line should be left before and after the formula and should be used without sequential numbering. The formula number should be indicated in parentheses on the right. When referring to a formula in the text, the formula number should also be indicated in brackets.
❖ References should be written in alphabetical order, citations in the text should be given in square brackets with a reference number, for example [1, 2]. In the links, it is advisable to refer to publications of recent years.
❖ Email for conference materials: [email protected]. The file name should match the author's name and surname (in the case of co-authors, the name and surname of the first author mentioned in the article should be indicated). For example, rena_huseynova
❖ Deadline for submission of conference materials: 15 January, 2022.
❖ The Scientific Committee has the right to select the submitted materials under the directions of the conference. Materials published in other publications that do not meet the requirements are not accepted. The materials will be checked by an anti-plagiarism program.
❖ An electronic version of the conference proceedings will be posted on the conference website and sent to the author's e-mail.